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Eltroxin NZ

Eltroxin can
effectively treat

Eltroxin works by
replacing thyroxine - the
hormone your thyroid
isn't producing
enough of

Your dose of Eltroxin
is personalised, your
doctor will tell you how
many Eltroxin tablets
to take each day

It’s important
to take the tablets exactly as your doctor
has prescribed

ELTROXIN is used to treat hypothyroidism, where the thyroid gland is underactive and does not produce enough thyroxine, a hormone, which is important for controlling your metabolism. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include weight gain, fatigue, irregular menstrual periods, mood changes, and hair loss.


Active ingredient

ELTROXIN contains the active ingredient levothyroxine sodium. It belongs to a small group of medicines called thyroid hormones, which work by replacing the body’s low levels of thyroxine. Each tablet contains either 50 or 100 micrograms of the active ingredient levothyroxine sodium.

How to take Eltroxin

Eltroxin should be taken at least 30 minutes before breakfast, preferably on an empty stomach.

If you have any concerns or you are experiencing side effects, talk to your doctor. Download the Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) leaflet for further information.

Always make sure you have enough Eltroxin

It’s important to stay on Eltroxin

It is highly advised that people stay on the same brand of levothyroxine treatment. Click here to see advice from Medsafe.

If you change your doctor or pharmacist (e.g. if you move to a new area), it is important to let them know that you are on Eltroxin.

If you forget to take Eltroxin

If you forget to take Eltroxin, wait until the next dose and take your normal dose then. Do not take an extra dose.

If you are not sure what to do, worried or concerned, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Sometimes it can be hard to remember to take the right dose of Eltroxin at the right time.

Here are some handy tips and tricks that can help make remembering easier:

Learning about your medicine and why it’s important can help put it top of mind.
Use your watch or smart phone alarm to remind you when to take your Eltroxin.

Turn the bottle upside down after you take your Eltroxin, then turn it upright at the end of the day as a reminder to start fresh tomorrow.

Leave yourself notes to help you remember. For example: post-it notes on your bathroom mirror or on a kitchen whiteboard.

Use a pill box with the days of the week or talk to your pharmacist.

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you find your medicine schedule is difficult. They may be able to suggest some additional approaches that work better for you.